
Film & Kino Event

Berlinale Talents 2019: Take a Deep Breath and Fail Better!

Foley artist Heikki Kossi at work © Clas-Olav Slotte


Berlin / Potsdam
- The programme of the Medienboard & Creative Europe MEDIA funded Berlinale Talents is all set. the The approximately 100 events at Berlinale Talents are the result of a dialogue between the 250 Talents, the festival’s filmmakers, guests from the film industry, and the local Berlin audience. This year’s theme, “Mistakes”, is not about the flops, failures, and fumbles of the film world, but primarily about honest conversations and the resulting impulse for change in the cultural sector and in ourselves. These prominent guests will join this year's Berlinale Talents edition: Charlotte Rampling, André Téchiné, Nadav Lapid and Roberto Saviano.

More informations you can find here: